Back Dimple Piercings

What are Back Dimple Piercings or Back Piercing?

Dimples are a formation on the cheeks. Then you must be wondering what does back dimple mean?

A back dimple, also known as the Dimple of Venus’ is a depression on the back area near the waist and can commonly be called a Back piercing. Back dimple piercings, also known as Venus piercings, are a type of body piercing that is placed on the lower back, just above the buttocks.

Dimple piercings look good with low-waist jeans and crop tops where people can flaunt their backs with the gorgeous jewelry adorning that area. Dermal piercings is a surface piercing, meaning that it only goes through the top layer of skin and doesn’t penetrate the muscle or bone.

However, dimple piercing is in an area that is difficult to clean and care for, and on soft skin. It is a type of dermal piercing so micro dermal is ordinary for them and due to this reason they are also famous as back dermals.

The anchor is set inside the skin, and the jewel sits at the top. Back dimple piercings are single point. The piercing is typically done using a small gauge needle and can be adorned with various types of jewelry, such as curved barbells, dermal anchors, or surface bars.

The procedure of dermal piercing

The procedure for dermal piercing, also known as Venus piercing, involves several steps. The piercer will first clean the area around the dimples with an antiseptic solution and mark the piercing points’ skin punch. The piercer cleans the area at the back with some antibacterial liquid and marks the area of the perforation carefully using a surgical pen.

Then, a hollow needle will be inserted through the skin on both sides of the lower back. Finally, the jewelry will be inserted through the needle and secured. The entire procedure typically takes only a few minutes to complete. It’s important to choose a reputable and experienced piercer who uses sterile equipment and follows all necessary safety procedures to minimize the risk of complications.

These piercings must be carried out by a reputable and experienced piercer to ensure you visit a parlor that is authentic and certified. Wearing sterile gloves reduces the chances of contamination.

Pain Experience

The pain of dimple piercing is not much and is within the threshold of tolerance. For some, it can be severe pain if they have a low capacity for bearing pain. There can be some swelling and tenderness in the region. Pain can last for a few days or a week.

The level of pain experienced during a skin punch can vary from person to person. However, since the piercing is done on a sensitive area with minimal flesh, it can be quite painful. The pain can be described as sharp and intense, similar to a strong pinch or pressure.

The skin punch process is usually quick so the pain may be brief but intense. It’s essential to choose an experienced piercer and take steps to minimize pain, such as using a numbing cream or taking pain relievers before the procedure.

Healing Time

The healing time for sensitive skin dermal punch can vary from person to person, but it typically takes around 8-12 weeks for the piercing to fully heal. During the healing process, it’s important to follow proper aftercare instructions, which may include cleaning the piercing regularly, avoiding tight or restrictive clothing, and refraining from activities that may put pressure on the area’s sensitive skin.

It’s also important to avoid touching the piercing hole with dirty hands or exposing it to harsh chemicals, which can slow down the healing process or lead to infections. If you experience any severe pain, swelling skin, or unusual discharge during the healing process, it’s important to contact your piercer or a medical professional for advice.

Complete healing of back piercing can take anywhere between one to three months. Repairing time can exceed for individuals who do not observe essential aftercare.

Lower back piercing

Aftercare for Back DIMPLE Piercing


  • Wear loose-fitting clothes that give proper ventilation.
  • Clean the area regularly with a warm saline solution.
  • Sleep on the belly side to avoid any injuries.
  • Wash hands before touching the pierced region.
  • Eat a healthy and nutritious diet to speed up recovery.


  • Avoid playing and fiddling with jewelry. Do not try to remove it.
  • Apply cosmetics, creams, lotions, ointments, oils, and sprays in the pierced area.
  • Go swimming in public pools, hot tubs, or saunas.
  • Involvement in any sports or outdoor activity that risks injury.
  • Use dirty towels to wipe the region.
Back Dimple Piercing Images
Back dimple piercings

What should be the care?

Aftercare is an essential part of any new piercing, including dermal piercings and back dimples. To ensure proper healing body modification and reduce the risk of infection, body aches or other complications, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer.

Here are some general aftercare tips for back dimple piercings:

  1. Keep the area clean: It’s important to keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection. Use a saline solution or gentle soap and warm water to clean the piercing twice a day.
  2. Avoid touching the piercing: Try not to touch the piercing with your hands, especially if your hands are not clean. This can introduce bacteria and other contaminants that can lead to infection.
  3. Avoid tight or constricting clothing: Wearing tight or constricting clothing can put pressure on the puncture site, which can slow down the healing process of tissue damage.
  4. Don’t sleep on the piercing: Sleeping on the piercing can cause irritation and slow down the healing process. Try to sleep on your side or your back to avoid putting pressure on the piercing.
  5. Avoid swimming or submerging the piercing in water: Avoid swimming or submerging the piercing in water, such as in a pool or hot tub, for at least the first few weeks after getting pierced.
  6. Follow a healthy diet and lifestyle: A healthy diet and lifestyle can help support the healing process. Stay hydrated, eat a nutritious diet, and avoid smoking and drinking alcohol during the healing period.

Remember, everyone’s body is different, and healing times can vary. If you experience any pain, redness, or discharge from the piercing, or if you have any concerns, contact your professional piercer or a healthcare professional right away.

Infection & Other complications

Like any piercing, there are risks of complications and infections associated with dimple piercings. Some of the potential complications include rejection by body of foreign object, migration, scarring, and nerve damage.

Infection is also a potential risk, which can cause redness, swelling, pain, and discharge. It’s important to follow proper aftercare procedures and seek medical attention if any signs of infection or complications arise.

The location of the dermal piercing entry and exit point is highly prone to infections as it is not easy to maintain. It is difficult to keep a check as the piercing area is largely inaccessible. In case of rejection or migration, there is the possibility of tissue damage or scars. It is better to do the cleaning part more carefully or let someone else do that.

Possible allergies are associated with dimple piercing on the back. Some people may develop an allergic reaction to the metal used in jewelry, especially if it contains nickel or other common allergens. Almost 18% of Americans have a nickel allergy, according to According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD).This can cause redness, itching, swelling, and other symptoms around the piercing site.

If you’re allergic to metals, it’s important to talk to your piercer about using hypoallergenic materials like titanium or niobium for your jewelry. Also, if you notice any signs of an allergic reaction or other complications after a dermal piercing on your back, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible.


  • Itching, Irritation, and pain in the area.
  • Redness and swelling.
  • Pus discharge
  • A foul smell indicates contamination.
  • Fever (in some cases), the High temperature in and around the region.


  • Dab the region with a cotton swab soaked in the warm saline solution.
  • Clean the area regularly for pus or blood clots.
  • Do not remove the jewelry.
  • Gently pat the area dry after taking a shower.
  • See a doctor and follow his advice.

rejection of piercing

If you notice signs of piercing rejection, it’s essential to take action immediately to prevent further complications. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Remove the jewelry: If you notice that your body is rejecting the piercing, it’s best to remove the jewelry as soon as possible. Leaving the jewelry in place can lead to further irritation and scarring.
  2. Keep the area clean: It’s important to keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection. Gently clean the area with a saline solution or mild soap and water.
  3. Avoid touching the area: Try to avoid touching the piercing site as much as possible to prevent further irritation.
  4. Apply a cold compress: If you’re experiencing swelling or discomfort, applying a cold compress to the area can help reduce inflammation.
  5. Seek professional help: If the piercing has become infected or is causing significant discomfort, it’s best to seek professional help. A doctor or piercer can help you determine the best course of action, which may include antibiotics or removing the piercing altogether.

Remember, the best way to avoid piercing failure is to avoid tissue damage, wear clothing follow proper care instructions, gently wash, and pay attention to entry and exit point, and any signs of complications.

back dimple piercings Jewelry

For back dimples piercings, body jewelry specifically designed for surface piercings made of surgical grade stainless steel is commonly used. These types of piercings require jewelry that is both flexible and has a flat profile, which helps to reduce the risk of rejection, piercings fever, or migration.

Some popular jewelry options for dimple piercings include surface bars, which are curved or straight bars that sit under the skin with two visible ends. Another option is dermal anchors, which have a single visible end and a flat base that sits beneath the skin.

Both of these types of jewelry come in a variety of materials, such as titanium or surgical stainless steel, to reduce the risk of allergic reactions or complications.

The typical jewelry for back dimples piercings is a surface bar. It reduces the risk of rejection by securing the perforation. The dermal piercing is a type of surface piercing, so the alternative jewelry is a dermal anchor. This jewelry sets on an anchor that rests inside the body, so it remains in place.

Material for jewelry should be skin-friendly and should not cause itching or irritation. It should be non-corrosive and hypoallergic. Titanium, surgical steel, rose gold, niobium gold, sterling silver, etc. are all ideal choices. Bioplastic and acrylic add to the variety as they are available in various colors.

Ocptiy 23PCS 14G Grade 23 Titanium Dermal Tops and Dermal Base Internally Threaded Clear Star Heart Flower Gem Top Piercing Jewelry for Women Men


What is the cost of back dimple piercings? The cost of a back dimple piercing ranges from $35 to $85.

The cost of a body modification back piercing, including dermal piercing, can vary depending on various factors such as location, the experience of the piercer, the type of jewelry used, and more. On average, a back dimples piercing can cost anywhere from $40 to $100 or more.

It’s important to choose a skilled piercer for back dimple piercing and opt for high-quality jewelry to ensure the best outcome and minimize the risk of complications.

Thank you for reading until the end. Hopefully, this guide helped you in your decision rather or not to go ahead with a back dimple piercing. Good luck!

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